
I am addicted to cooking and baking. I love to find and make delicious recipes. Sometimes I create my own and I post them here. Other times I find a recipe and adapt it. I have posted those recipes here as well. Enjoy.

Monday, October 15, 2012


1 pound lean hamburger
1 box of vegetable spaghetti or 1 bag of pasta
2 jars of Marinara Sauce (I use Bertolli 4 Cheese Marinara Sauce)
Italian Seasoning – to taste
Onion Herb Mrs. Dash- to taste
2 garlic cloves, minced
Garlic powder  - to taste
Olive oil (Garlic Olive Oil if you have it)

Boil water in a large pan
Add 1 bag of pasta (spaghetti pasta or other pasta) to the boiling water and cook according to package directions.  Add some salt and some olive oil.
Brown a pound of hamburger in a sautuesse pan.  Remove any excess grease from browned hamburger. (I use some paper towels  and blot it as seen in the picture below)
Add 2 jars of Marinara Sauce to the browned hamburger.  Season with fresh minced garlic, garlic powder, Italian Seasoning (oregano, basil, etc.) and Onion Herb Mrs. Dash.

Drain Pasta and toss with a bit of olive oil.  Serve with a pasta server.
Serve meat sauce with a ladle

Serve with shredded cheese, garlic bread, and steamed broccoli or peas.


Browning Hamburger

Water with Olive Oil for Boiling Pasta

Browned Hamburger

Removing Grease from Hamburger

Adding Marinara Sauce


Boiling Pasta

Veggie Pasta

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