Tuesday, July 30, 2013


1 package Nutter Butter
½ cup butter

1  (1.5 quart) container Peanut Butter and Chocolate Ice Cream
1 (1.5 quart) Breyer’s Blast Reese’s Peanut Butter Ice Cream or Vanilla Ice Cream
2 (2..1 oz.) Butterfinger Candy Bars (crushed)
1 Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (cut into small pieces)

Chocolate Sauce (I made ganache by melting milk chocolate chips with a little whipping cream)
1 (2..1 oz.) Butterfinger Candy Bars (crushed)

Crush the Nutter Butter Cookies(I used a food processor) .  Pour the Nutter Butter cookie crumbs into a 9”springform pan.  Melt butter.  Mix butter into the crumbs and press down with a fork (or your clean hand).  Place in the freezer for about 5 minutes.  Meanwhile, let ice creams soften.  Using a mixer, soften peanut butter and chocolate ice cream.  Place over the crust. Place in the freezer for about 10 minutes as you let the vanilla or peanut butter ice cream soften.  Crush the butterfinger candy bars.  Using a blender, soften the vanilla ice cream.   Add the crushed butterfinger.  Mix in.  Remove the pie from the freezer and smooth the vanilla ice cream over the peanut butter and chocolate.  Sprinkle the crushed butterfinger candy bar over the top of the ice cream pie.  Let freeze overnight.  Remove pie from freezer about 5 minutes before serving.  Run a knife around the edge of the springform pan, then release the sides of the pan carefully.  Drizzle Chocolate Sauce over pie to garnish.


Nutter Butter Crumbs

Adding Butter to Nutter Butter Crumbs

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Layer

Softened Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Second Layer

Butterfinger Crumbs

Ready to Freeze

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