Saturday, July 20, 2013


1 container Oreo Cookies (I used the birthday cake Oreos)
½ cup butter

1  (1.5 quart)container Rocky Road Ice Cream
2  (1.5 quart)containers Vanilla Ice Cream

4 oz. semi sweet chocolate (I used Ghiradelli baking chocolate)
3 tablespoons whipping cream
20 marshmallows
Yellow food coloring
Sprinkles (green pearlized sprinkles, gold pearlized sprinkles, black pearlized sugar – all of the ones I used were by Wilton)

Crush the Oreo cookies (I used a food processor) .  Pour the Oreo Cookie crumbs into a 12” springform pan.  Melt butter.  Mix butter into the crumbs and press down with a fork.  Place in the freezer for about 5 minutes.  Meanwhile, let the rocky road ice cream softenUsing a mixer, soften the rocky road ice cream.  Place in the middle of the springform pan, forming a circle.  Place in the freezer for about 10 minutes as you let the vanilla ice cream soften.  Using a blender, soften the vanilla ice cream.  Remove the pie from the freezer and shape the vanilla ice cream around the circle of rocky road ice cream (so the vanilla ice cream forms the perimeter of the springform pan.  Let freeze overnight. 
To GarnishMelt the semi sweet chocolate and the cream  in a double boiler or a heavy sauce pan over low heat  - stirring constantly – remove from heat just before it is completely melted.   Continue stirring.  Let cool.  Make the “street” by spreading the chocolate around the vanilla ice cream, adjacent to the rocky road circle – leaving enough room around the sides for the “grass”.  Sprinkle the green pearlized sprinkles around the perimeter for the grass.  Add the marshmallows to a bowl.  Add yellow food coloring.  Mix with a spoon until coated.  Put two marshmallows together and place in the center of the road….continue this pattern leaving a space between each set of yellow “lane dividers”.  In the center, cover the Rocky Road with the chocolate.  Sprinkle gold pearlized sprinkles for the “ground”.  Add car toys to the pie for extra fun.

Crushed Oreos

Oreos Crushed

Blended Ice Cream

Rocky Road Center

Softened Vanilla Ice Cream

Ready to Freeze

Marshmallows with Yellow Food Coloring Drops

Yellow Marshmallows

Melting Chocolate and Cream

Melted Chocolate

Chocolate Road

Chocolate Road with Marshmallow Dividers

With Grass

With Cars

With Gold Sprinkles for Ground and Cars

Just Out of the Freezer

Slice Out

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